What is the difference Web Hosting, VPS and Cloud Server?

Web Hosting, VPS and Cloud Server - Maybe you're confused by some of those terms. Or you are looking for a service that is right for your online business needs especially in India, and then you find in various search engines offer with terms like Cloud servers, VPS and Web Hosting. What's the difference and how to customize it to your needs, even should you be careful do not just because it is cheap but the end is not in accordance with the needs that you want. The following is an explanation that may be able to help you better understand the term of the product.

Web Hosting

Web hosting is a service that rents out space for web-based applications belongs to you, where you can use a domain name you have to be directed to the application. You typically given management facility for your application like upload/download files to its web or its database.

The platform provided varies, usually PHP and mySQL database. In addition you also generally given email accounts with your domain service provider. This service has the lowest prices. But has the limitation of only on platforms provided. In addition, service providers generally provide only 1 physical servers shared with other customers to reduce the selling price. So, the quality of service is also limited by the condition.

VPS (Virtual Private Server)

VPS is a service that rents out virtual servers, the difference with web hosting is you have the freedom to determine the operating system and platform you use so you can optimize your online business services. This service is priced slightly above web hosting. However, the VPS cannot accommodate the needs of private connections between servers. So when you need a more optimal configuration for the security and reliability of your online web VPS can no longer meet the needs of your web.

What is the difference Web Hosting, VPS and Cloud Server?

Hope you be careful too with a VPS service because its infrastructure generally consists of only 1 physical server shared with virtualization software so that it can accommodate many guest OS. That is, are not unlike the quality of web hosting. Advantages of VPS, you have the freedom to determine the OS and platform only.

Cloud Server

Cloud technology allows multiple server made "one" serves as storage (virtual disk), some other server (Host) combined, serve as computing nodes (virtual CPU). Above the cloud platform can run multiple virtual servers (Guest). Cloud technology also allows a set of virtual servers (Guest) form a network VLAN as the physical servers that are connected to the LAN. Where each customer had a secure VLAN each mutually could not enter. So that your online business application especially in India who need some server configuration can be akomodir by the service cloud server.

In addition, the service Cloud Server gives you the ease of raising or lowering your server resource such as the number of CPU Cores, as well as the amount of RAM at your disposal or referred to On Demand. You should be cautious if any claimed to iconic Cloud Server service but could not provide facilities On Demand because these technologies that differentiate with VPS. On the service Cloud, you can still subscribe to 1 server, with the consequences of the price of the more expensive but the quality is of course better, because its infrastructure consists of multiple servers that are backing up.

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