10 Trend in the Future Internet

Take a moment to remember how different life in 1991. If you want to call a friend then had to use cable lines (landline). Why? Because mobile technology is still many years away from the public mind. If you want to send written messages to relatives abroad you should use a post office. This was before the advent of domain names such as hotmail, gmail, yahoo became synonymous with email technology.

10 Trend in the Future Internet

So much has changed in the last 20 years, but how to estimate trends in 2020? You can guarantee that changes the most innovative and revolutionary will take place in the digital sector. So what kind of face that the Internet will look in 2020?

More Centralized
We can still see this trend developing at this time when Facebook, Google and Microsoft to be very strong on the internet. Every year we hear the same story - Microsoft has bought Skype, Google has acquired YouTube, and there is little sign that the new digital giants old will appear again.

More Open Source Development
In response to the growing influence of large enterprise digital, open source technology is expected to increase rapidly as a small-time developers become larger and more sophisticated. Is expected to appear hundreds of high-quality software suite on the market scale of open source in 2020.

Internet Will Faster and Offers
It is estimated that broadband rates will fall and in the near future a dedicated server will be very much cheaper anymore.

Writing and Reading
On a more personal level, the influence of the Internet in 2020 is estimated to occur changes dramatically and change the way we read and write. Gone are the days of lengthy essay-like blog entries, the more likely scenario is a term that will begin to dominate the online realm. Search engine users are very familiar with this phenomenon.

Lack of Anonymity Online
Due to the growing influence of hackers and sites like Wikileaks, it is likely that in 2020 the Internet will be monitored more closely.

Many applications are not Used Again
In 2020, it is expected that almost every device will be transferred to the Internet - from the microwave to the couch. Furthermore, the application will be specifically designed to be friendly cleaner. And applications that do not support online may be much discarded.

Personal ID Number
With growing security concerns regarding online behavior, many security analysts estimate that in 2020 some countries will implement a number of personal ID for online users.

Mobile Internet
Mobile internet technology is very new, but many people feel that in 2020 it will become the most popular way to browse the web. Many sites will be specifically catered toward mobile device is no longer PC.

Centered Process Into Online
Although you can do online shopping, many people still prefer to buy their groceries in person. This is expected to change in 2020, with more customers choose to take advantage of internet business processes online.

Cloud Computing
Cloud computing mainstream recently changed with the latest release of Apple's iCloud. In 2020 you can expect that millions of Internet users will store all the information of non-vital they are in the cloud

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