What Is Cloud Storage? The Definition Of Cloud Storage

What Is Cloud Storage? The Definition Of Cloud Storage - Cloud Storage is the Storage Platforms or Media Storage in its access requires Internet network. But of course the file is on the computer where we have to create an account cloud storage first. For example, if a web designer, then we need the files in the form of images, fonts, flash, tutorials etc. Well, to make it easier to work then we should use cloud storage. Because of cloud storage it can save you time and place than with the use of storage media such as Flash disk or CD.

For example, we missed a Flashdisk or a broken CD pieces. Then we'd be hard-pressed to work on a task if there is data on the media. However, when the data we stored in "cloud", then we can access it whenever and wherever we can connect with the Internet. So we don't have to worry about forgetting the Flashdisk taken or damaged. The provider of this service using hundreds of servers to store files. Therefore, surely they should hold periodic maintenance.

A limited space? It looks like the space provided was more than enough. If it is full, you can create a new account again, or it could also take the premium service by paying a certain amount of fare to get a larger storage space.

What Is Cloud Storage

The most emphasized of the advantages of this technology is the ease of accessing our data anywhere and anytime.

However, besides the benefits and advantages of Cloud Storage, it also has disadvantages, Disadvantages is located in terms of security. Each account is protected by a password that could be known to others, if we are not careful. Even though we've been so careful still does not cover the possibility of our account opened by someone else. Another deficiency is a disorder at the time of accessing the data, whether it's due to a connection problem or a server is "down".

Some cloud storage system even provides a feature so that other people can access our data. This course will greatly facilitate the users working on a collaborative project rather than exchanging copies of the data, both online and offline. So we should use the media demanded it wisely.

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