Intel and VMWare team up to secure Cloud System

When the shift occurs, the server from the physical to the cloud, many Parties (especially businessmen) could benefit more. With cloud computing, flexibility and efficiency became positive impact are inevitable. However, given the cloud computing is still new, not a few users who cast doubt on the security system of the cloud.

Not want that problem to drag on, Intel and VMWare else presents the solution. They have made networking platform virtualization NSX, which is able to provide McAfee Network Security Platform (NSP) more power to supervise traffic between servers.

The collaboration between the two sides aimed to create solutions in the consumer, so that the data traffic between the servers become more secure.

"With the integrated integration between VMWare NSX and NSP McAfee, security systems will follow the flow of the application being run. The user can set up this system dynamically, "said Tom Corn, senior vice president of Security Products at VMware, in a written statement (18/06/15).

Hopefully this innovation could increasingly popularized cloud computing in the world.

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